Microsoft Unveils New AI Model to Edit Video Games

To date, artificial intelligence has only placed on the edge of the game industry with tools for art, music, writing, coding and other elements that make up video games. But what if the artificial intelligence model can create examples of playing from one screenshot?
This is the idea behind Microsoft’s Muse, a transformer model containing 1.6 billion trained teachers over 500,000 hours of player data. The result is a model, when a screen snapshot is required, it can create multiple examples of toys, which can extend to several minutes.
“They have trained what is basically a neurotransmitter engine and has unprecedented time cohesion and unprecedented sincerity,” says Julian Toglius, Associate Professor of Computer Science at New York University and co -founder of the AI Game Test Company. “This has wide effects, and it is something that I can see in the future as part of the development of the game in general.”
How Microsoft’s Muse works
Muse (also known as The World and Human Action Model, or Wham) has been trained on human play data from the edge of multi -player bleeding. The researchers trained a series of models on these data, which ranged from 15 million to 1.6 billion teachers; The largest, which was the best performance, is the axis of paper published in February nature.
Although he is innovative, Muse is not the first Amnesty International model able to generate play. Among the attractive sulfate, including Jenny Deep Mins, TENCENT’s Gamegen-X, and Gamengen. These previous models generate a visually attractive gameplay, and in many cases, they do it at higher rates and decisions than Muse.
However, the Microsoft’s approach to the development of Muse provides many unique advantages.
Unlike the previous models, Muse was trained in the real world playing data that includes images data from play and the opposite control unit inputs. Microsoft managed to access this data through Ninja Theory, Microsoft Xbox Game Studios. In contrast, Genie and Gamegen-X were unable, instead, they were trained in the image data available to the public from various games.
Muse also uses the automatic slope transformer structure, which is unfamiliar for a model that generates images (the way of playing, such as video, is a series of pictures in sequence). Muse generates a playing method as serials of separate symbols that weave together between pictures and console procedures. While Genie uses transformers, it does not use the insertion of the console. Meanwhile, Gamengen and Gamegen-X uses specialized publishing models to create a gameplay, and again do not mix the insertion of the console.
“What we have seen so far is that we have not been able to get consistency with the proliferation models that we have with automatic decline models,” says Khatja Hoffman, the main research director at Microsoft Research.
The researchers built an interface called the WAM protesters to show the consistency of the model. It can be used to demand Muse with a screenshot, which then creates a “continuation” of play, each provides a different prediction of what may happen. Muse and Wham Deartrator is available to download from Hugingface.
Once you create users, users can explore continuity with a game controller. It is even possible to withdraw the objects and the model directly in the way of playing. The gameplay will be updated to include the object, which becomes part of the game world. These organisms continued with a success rate from 85 to 98 percent, depending on the object that was entered.
Muse users can modify the behavior of non -players visually and the environment by extracting directly to the frame. Image or video references can also be used to influence, then choose from the scene generations.Ansi Kanervisto, Dave Bignell Et al.
Building world models
The Microsoft advertisement was keen to avoid Muse’s description as a full AI game generator, for a good reason. While the created playing clips are noticeably consistent even for a few minutes of gameplay, the clips are created only 380 in 180 pixels and 10 tires per second, which is very low for fun gameplay. Muse is also limited to generating a way -similar to the edge of bleeding.
These options have been made to keep Muse to be manageable; Hoffman says Muse was trained to be “the smallest possible models that we can get rid of to show what is possible.” For this reason, you think there is room to improve the quality of the model.
Instead of placing himself as a substitute for games, Muse is intended as a tool for developers who are looking for repetition of play ideas. “You can create a kind of repetitive loop. You can create multiple branches of predictions. Hoffman says:” You can return, you can make adjustments while flying. “
Muse also represents a progress towards creating advanced “global models” that picks up real environment dynamics or simulation.
The models that generate the gameplay, such as Muse and Gene, learn to predict playing through multiple methods that extend over 3D graphics, two -dimensional graphics, physics and sound, to name a few. This means that artificial intelligence models can be trained to form a more general understanding of a complex environment, which is a more supplementary global model rather than assembling the different parts.
“In the past, to train a model on a specific thing, such as jazz, you will need training to understand the theory of music, and you have many rules and visions,” says Hoffman. “We now have a recipe for training artificial intelligence models on this very complex organized data without a lot of hand drainage of the rules behind these systems.”
Togelius sees similar possibilities. He says a model like Muse can be used to repeat toys not only by creating toys, but also by creating universal models that mimic the environment. This in turn may open new possibilities to search for and test that environment, such as transforming artificial intelligence factors to interact with the world model and learning.
“This has many effects on games, and also for things outside of games,” he says.
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2025-03-11 12:00:00