Samsung offers 80/20 revenue share for games on the Galaxy Store

Samsung Electronics announced that it will share 80 % of revenues and maintain a 20 % games in the Samsung Galaxy store.
The great South Korean technology company released the announcement before the game developer conference next week. It is great news, as Google and Apple receive up to 30 % for developers who sell their goods to large platform applications. It was the subject of litigation, as EPIC games were highlighted as a monopolistic behavior – only 12 % EPIC charges developers at the Epic Games.
Samsung also said that through the mobile cloud gaming platform, it is now easier than ever for mobile phone and publishers developers of all sizes to expand their business by gaining effective users, increasing revenue capabilities and building games smoothly with a group of software development groups (SDKS) and tools.
In November 2024, Samsung marketed the mobile cloud gaming platform in North America. As a candidate for cloud games, Samsung provides developers and publishers new ways to access millions of Galaxy devices efficiently while also allowing players to jump immediately to games without waiting or downloading.
Samsung said its platform is already proven that it is of exceptional value in the gaming community, as it is clear from a recent case of Vizor, a pioneering developer behind the best title Klondike Adventures. Vizor Klondike Adventures launched a Beta for the mobile cloud games from Samsung in July 2024, and in less than a year, it witnessed great success and growth in the user’s acquisition campaigns by obtaining millions of new players.
In addition, with the Samsung platform, Vizor’s return for 60 days on advertising (ROAS) is 25 % higher than
“Work as usual” results from a head of similar campaigns during the same time period.
“Vizor is constantly looking for new channels to attract players to her main game Klondike Adventures,” Helen Costina, head of the marketing implementation in Vizour, said in a statement. “The results we achieved with the Samsung mobile gaming platform have exceeded our expectations. We have already seen a remarkable commercial impact, proving the capabilities of cloud technology. Movely, samsung will remain an important part of our strategy to reach a broader audience.”
“Our cloud gaming platform changes the mobile scene of both publishers and players,” Jong Woo, head of Game Services at Samsung, said in a statement. “By converting a click Declaration directly to the first play and getting rid of the need to push the players to the application store, we greatly increase the rates of converting the best to play the campaigns of the acquisition of the publisher’s users and lead a super return on their advertising investments.”
Wu added: “This increased efficiency disrupts how the publishers have expanded their games so far and expanded the players base for games within the Samsung Galaxy. For players on our Galaxy devices, by eliminating the troubles and the burden of having to wait until the game is downloaded and installed before trying it, we offer a new type of experience of discovering and playing Easy, immediate and enjoyable.
The Samsung mobile gaming platform also provides a new solution of support based on the core group
With the main measuring partner of the mobile phone (MMP).
Traditionally, the assignment of the user acquisition campaign was largely dependent on the applications that must be installed and opened directly on the user’s device. This is the way the game publishers attributed the installation of new applications to their advertising campaign – which makes it possible to calculate the return on investing from spending their ads based on the liquefaction of acquired users.
Using Cloud Gaming, players can immediately jump to the way to play without having to install an application, which breaks this traditional support protocol. To solve this pain point, Samsung is proud to work directly with Appsflyer, a pioneering MMP, to create a unique solution that allows customers to attribute an advertising click and operate the resulting game in the cloud as installing the application.
“The Cloud Gaming transforms how the players arrive and the games experience, and the support needs to be evolved alongside,” Adam Smart, the director of the Appsflyer product, said in a statement. “Appsflyer has made a partnership with Samsung to redefine the meaning of installation in the cloud environment. With our technologies develop, our measurement capabilities must adapt to its side. Together, we have made a completely new way for developers and publishers to track and improve the performance of their advertising campaigns without asking the players to install a game physically.”
Once the player launches a title through an advertising click, the resolution of the support-based chain of transmission also allows the developers and publishers to track the performance within the cloud games-including in-game purchases.
Samsung Galaxy store offers more benefits
The benefits of Samsung’s portable cloud gaming platform are opened on Galaxy devices through the current infrastructure of the Galaxy store. Developers and publishers can easily construct on the platform with a full access to a comprehensive set of SDKS and tools. It also supports liquefy models in the current game to suit smoothness with the current processes.
In addition, Samsung is making a change to its general conditions and returns more money to the hands of developers and publishers with a 80/20 toy revenue form in the Galaxy Store. This structure also applies to games based on the Samsung Cloud Gaming platform, providing more opportunities for partners. The new revenue share will be valid on May 15, 2025.
Samsung Group of Portable Games through its cloud platform and the Galaxy-along with distinguished promotional support and direct distribution of millions of galaxy devices pre-loaded worldwide-create unparalleled and profitable competencies for developers and publishers.
Developers and publishers interested in learning about the terms of the Galaxy Store and expand the distribution of mobile phone games on Galaxy devices using Samsung’s Cloud technology, visit the Samsung developer page.
2025-03-13 23:21:00