
Andy Cohen Alludes To Tamra Judge’s ‘RHOC’ Exit

Tamra Al -Qadi

Andy Cohen notes that Tamra, the judge “Rhoc”, exit

Andy Cohen It addresses the surrounding speculation Tamra Al -Qadi Possible departure from Real houses are real houses in Orange County.

Andy Cohen

On Monday, March 10, from Siriusxm’s and Cohen Live, the 56 -year -old Bravo manager responded to the reports that occur Reassure57, may review its future in the reality chain.

Andy Cohen responds to rumors of Tamra’s exit

“I got a report of what happened last night. All I will say is this, I cannot comment on what is going on, as you know, while filming the shows.”

He continued, “I think the only thing that is at my mind is that one of her best friends, if not her best friend, is going through an incredibly intense health crisis. So perhaps you will take this into consideration, otherwise I will not have anything I say about this.”

Tamra Al -Qadi

Cohen The comments came after one day Reassure She shared a hidden message on her Instagram stories, which sparked speculation that she was leaving Rhoc.

The emotional Instagram post from Tamra

Sunday 9 March, Reassure Post a message to her Instagram stories that left fans wondering about her future in the show.

“It was in the long run!” I wrote. “When life gives you real problems, this reality – has no meaning.”

She concluded her message with “Peace outside” I am outside.

Andy Cohen

Reassure It was the primary element Rhoc Since joining the privilege in 2008, after taking a brief pause, she returned to the 17th season.

Teddy Milnkamb supported a healthy battle

Plump Instagram post comes as a close friend and Two t in pod Podcast Cohoste, Teddy Milnkamb, 43, continues to fight serious health challenges.

Tamra Al -Qadi

the previous Real housewives in Beverly Hills Star recently revealed that she had been diagnosed with multiple tumors in the brain and underwent surgery to remove them.

“Maybe some of you have seen Teddy Instagram stories, ” Reassure He said in the February 12 episode of podcast. “If not, I just want our listeners to know that it will take a brief leave to deal with some healthy things. I will allow TEDDI to tell her story when you return, but you know all of you how much this podcast does not want more than just continuing to register.”

Reassure He added, “While focusing on her health, we want to thank you for your love and constant support. It was a difficult night.”

At that time, Tamra was still photographing Rhoc Season 19.

Tamra heart message to Teddy

On the same day, Reassure The Instagram post shared a dedicated influential TEDDI.

“Join me in prayer for tetdimellencamp while surgery today,” wrote alongside Carrosil on Instagram, showing emotional pictures.

Teddy Milnkamb

The first picture showed the two women sitting together on a sofa, identical to blond hair and denim, with Teddy kissing Reassure On the cheek. In another image, Reassure She was presented with her three children – Slate, 12, Cruz, 10, and Dove, 5 – she shares with her husband, Edwin Aruf.

Reassure He continued, “Please also pray to her beautiful children. Teddy Go, I love you so much and I cannot imagine my life without you – you are the little sister who did not have and the best friend can ask for. Send all love, positive feelings, and healing energy on your way.”

Latest health update for Teddy

On Thursday, March 6, Teddy made another update, and revealed that the doctors discovered three additional tumors in her brain and two in her lungs.

Over the past two years, it has obtained “17 spots of melanoma.” She participated that she would start “immunotherapy on Tuesday 11 March” to continue her treatment.

Tamra Al -Qadi

She concluded her message by saying, “Now, as Bravoandy will say: With everything … F *** Off, Cancer!”

What is the following to Tamra?

Reassure She did not publicly confirm whether she was officially leaving Rhoc. With a healthy battle her close boyfriend, she let the fans wondering whether she is back focusing on personal matters.

Tamra Al -Qadi

while Cohen She remained tight in the situation, Plump Emotional posts have left viewers wondering whether they would return to the 19th season or move away forever.

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2025-03-11 17:37:00

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