Health and Fitness

February 2025 Reads – The Fitnessista

A round of books you read in February, and if he recommends adding them to your collection.

Hello friends! How are you? I hope you enjoy the week so far! I am studying Barry’s chapter today and I look forward to the history of juice with a friend.

To publish today, I share a set of books I have read in February, and if I recommend adding them to your TBR menu. After I was in a stagnation with books for a while, and with the launch of the healing + + working code on IHP3, I read three books last month, which was called.

Here is the full tour:

February 2025 Read

Lotus shoes

I was interested in Chinese historical imagination (I love Lady of the Women’s DepartmentThis one caught my attention. This book revolves around the story of Little Flower, which is sold as Muiazi (MaidServant) of a prominent family. It has binding and talented feet in Emboiredery, which are usually dedicated to the higher groups. This book was full of movement-it started quickly and kept the same pace, which made it easy to read quickly-but it broke my heart several times. It was a testament to the strength of flexibility, even when everything seems stacked against your interest. 10/10- I am highly recommended if you enjoy historical imagination.

From the Amazon:

1800s China. Tightly tied feet, or “golden lilies”, are a sign of a supervisor, beauty, beauty, rich dowry and even blood line in marriage shares. When a small flower is sold as a server – Mizai – to Linjing, the daughter of the prominent Fung family, it is bound in the hope that its golden lily will come out one day of slavery.

Do not put a little binding feet, as they are uncommon for Muizai, but they are unusually talented in embroidery, which is a skill associated with the highest category of a woman. Linjing is from her talents, all she can to frustrate the escape from Flower Little.

But when the scandal is hit by Feings, both women are removed from the single brothers, as it attracts Little Flaore’s artistic ingenuity. He does not only threaten his attention to the improved, but her life – the brothers punish disobedience with death. And if Linjing is discovered, will it sabotage a small flower to restore its strength, or will it protect it?

You can heal your life

This was strongly recommended to a slim podcast, so I immediately downloaded it. I brought me peace during some of the last difficult days and helped me convert my mind. (I did not participate in the blog, but there is a lot that is now on the personal front. Everyone is in good health, but it was a kind of nervous time.) This book includes singing and exercises to form your ideas to influence your reality, and enhances positive follow -up. If you are looking for an upscale and peaceful thing to listen to it, he certainly gave him a download. 9/10

From the Amazon:

You can heal your life She has transformed the lives of millions of people. This is a book to which people are attributed to changing their awareness deeply of the influence of the mind on health and luxury.

In this inspiring book written by the best -selling author in the late world and the pioneer of self -assistance, Louise Hai, you will find a deep view of the relationship between the mind and the body.

Explore the way that limits ideas and ideas that control our restriction, it provides us with a strong key to understanding the roots of our lack of existence and physical strikes. Fill out with positive assurances, this practical guide will change the way you think forever!

Louise Hai, an selling author, is a world -scored in self -assistance. Her main message is: “If we are ready to do mental work, almost anything can be cured.” Louise Hi had a great experience and information closely to participate in recovery, including how to treat herself after diagnosing cancer.

“My message is simple and not limited to the borders: You can heal your life to more than 40 languages ​​around the world and continue to heal, transform and enable the lives of many people.

To this day, I was affected by the stories of deep changes made by positive assurances in many lives. I am also pleased that my work has embraced it not only by my generation, but those who continued.

For those of you who may be new to the use of assurances, I would like to share with you the following: Every idea we think about and every word we talk about creates our future. Life is really very simple. What we give, go back.

What we think of ourselves becomes the truth for us. I think everyone, including me, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst.

The assurances such as the seeds they grow and expect to grow. I urge you to discover the power of assurances because there are no limits to what they can bring.

Healing new childhood epidemics: autism, ADHD, asthma, and allergies: the leading program for disorders 4-a

This book caught my attention because these four disorders are incredibly common in children, and I am always looking for new visions and information on how to help children feel the best. (About half of my clients are children! I have achieved positive results with their parents, who continued to operate functional laboratories for their children, and publishing the word about my services like IHP2. I am very grateful, and I found that I adore work with children.)

The author of this book, MD, has some controversial opinions about vaccines, so if this causes you, I will completely skip this book. It should also be noted here that just because I read this book does not mean that I agree with everything he says, or that I believe in the same things. I would like to keep an open mind and listen to the largest possible number of views and experiences.

The healing program that includes food therapy, supplements, toxins, and medications are divided. This was not the most attractive/damaged, and some parts can use update with current treatments, but I learned a lot of reading this book. 7/10

From the Amazon:

Doctors have generally ignored the links between 4-A disturbances. For years, the medical institution considered autism that is uncompromising and completely cured, and has a treatment for hyperactivity disorder and attention lacking mainly to suppress symptoms. Dr. Kenneth Book, the pioneering medical innovator, along with his colleagues, discovered a solution to the root of the problem. They have found that modern toxins, nutritional deficiencies, metabolic imbalances, genetic weakness, and assault on immune and intestinal infectious systems lead to most symptoms of 4-A, which leads to repeated, repeated diagnosis and extraordinary puzzles.

The Dr. Buck, wonderful healing, an innovative medical approach that has changed the lives of more than a thousand children. Through medical research based on years of clinical success, this program provides a safe and reasonable solution that is allocated to every child to help treat radical causes. Dr. Book also shares the real exciting stories of parents and children that will inspire you to change your child’s life. Hope is at the end on hand.

So, tell me, friends: What did you read recently and loved?

Which new historical imagination have you enjoyed?



2025-03-12 10:41:00

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