Apple’s The Studio Hilariously Validates Martin Scorsese (Using The Man Himself)

This article contains Spoilers For the first episode of “Studio”.
In an era in which the decisions made by the best large copper of most major Hollywood systems are surprisingly and surprisingly, the “studio” looks like a perfect conditioner to make us laugh. The Appletv+ Comedy series from Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg are the Farhan stations that honor the noisy industry as it gives it.
In the first episode, Matt Remik (Seth Rogen), a talent for lifelong promotion as the most recent head of Continental Studios. It is in a that believes that there can be mutual success with the box office phenomena and the filmmaking that artists drive. However, the principles of Matt are placed in the test, when the CEO of Continental Griffin Mail (Brian Cranston) is a distorted initial task: Kool-aid.
If “Barbie” from Greta Gerwig is able to get the best filtering of the photos and becomes a $ 1.4 billion bang, it is definitely an advantage about the fruits that collide with the walls can also be.
It is a wonderful collection that sends Matt Splasing to panic off the bats directly, but it becomes more entertaining with the arrival of Martin Scorsese, who plays its role. The legend of filmmaking places an epic with millions of dollars around the Johnstown massacre with Steve Posimi, who is depicted as the leader of Jim Jones. The image alone is hysterical. But this risky project suddenly becomes old. Matt periodically provides him with a budget of $ 250 million and an additional $ 10 million in script rights in one case: The film must be entitled “Kool-AID”.
“The Studio” does not allow Matt from the hook very easily, because this stadium alone comes with a set of complications. It is crowned with a newly-established studio header and made “Kool-Aid” a commercial application project instead, which is the scrses text in this process.
The studio proves Scorsese’s point on the franchise film industry
While he was truly supported as one of our greatest filmmakers, Scorsese has assigned an unintended sub -section of the Internet on his comments on his comments on superhero films. The massive flame intensified only with the publication of its disputed article in the New York Times in 2019, where he made his comments with a very rational and studied response to the film industry. He has always been right and one of the greatest average heroes. Our current condition has reflects a few industry talents on behalf of a pattern of enlarged budgets and unnecessary Zombified Zombied privilege. Scorsese threw soft balls as much as I am concerned.
Six years later, not only the authenticity of the scene, but the “studio” is a Farhan accompanying piece.
The full group of deception is one of the greatest filmmakers of all ages to make the movie “Kool-AID”, then killed his final project when it is not with companies’ interests, it will be honest if it does not seem to be a possible article for the deadline. CEO, inspired by Cranston David Zaslav, notes that they cannot create “Kool-Aid” with the production of a movie about collective suicide as “Kool-Aid” led to the death of hundreds of people. (Perhaps it is worth noting here, for the sake of future generations, Aid Favor Flavor Aid has been used in the Johnstown massacre, no Kool-Aid.)
“The Studio” is brilliantly getting the rope between the creative intention of Matt and supporting the end result. It uses the success of “once at one time … in Hollywood” as a scale for an entertainment movie for a historical tragedy that won prizes and made money. But Matt finally folded and makes Scorses cry in this process. Not cold, died.
He speaks to Scorsese’s uncomfortable “gradual disposal, but it is continuing with the risks” that created to make decisions in the studio. The only way to make a fictional Swan song is to link it with the brand, and even this is not enough. As it seems ridiculous, there is a precedent for “Kool-AID”, which is thinking about the of Mattel Robbie Brenner, the development of a cinematic world based on many company products. I will also be limited to not mentioning their upcoming movie, “Barney”, written by Ayu Edberi, who won the Amy Award, and produced by Oscar -winning Daniel Caloya.
A reminder that Scorsese is a good sport (and a great actor)
The thing that many critics do not understand is that Scorsese is not imaginary. It is well aware that studios have always chased cash success, but the issue lies in the Matt health distribution system, but it cannot grow. “We do not make movies, and we are making films“Antinectic CEO counter.
Scorase is really a great sport about the appearance of its guest in “The Studio” because it is also able to roll with punches and make fun of himself. The most prominent joke on his account is the campaign pattern to obtain $ 200 million passion projects such as “The Irishman” and “Killers of the Flower Moon” off the ground.
“Studio” is a reminder that Scorsese can be a great actor. He has a loved and exciting character that makes him a great personality to see. There is a great moment in this episode where Scorsese sees the deviation of Matt when he tries to change the topic about the status of Jonstown. “This is not surprising to be just a very mill, without talent, without talent, without birth,” says Titan in the film industry in response. This is the tingling type that makes me want to crawl to a hole and die.
The presence of Scorsese as the first Matt error is the ideal way to show how its course will become only more complicated throughout the series. The last few minutes of the episode show that Cinephile can still crush verbal from a master’s to the heart and settle to watch “Goodfellas” in the end. Whether Matt will actually achieve his aspirations for a better future for the film industry that still must be seen.
The first two episodes of “The Studio” currently flow on Appletv+.
2025-03-27 11:45:00