Jay-Z’s Accuser Caught On Tape Saying Rapper Never Raped Her

The woman who accused Jay Z From sexual assault when she was only 13 years old, a tape was arrested admitting that the accident had never happened.
The unknown defendant, who asked to withdraw the case in February, claimed her lawyer Tony Bouzbi She “paid” her to sue the rapper.
Jay Zi has since filed a counter -claim against Tony Bouzbi, claiming that he and his wife, Beyonce, had been threats to kill in the aftermath of the “malicious and important” lawsuit.
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Jin de admits that Jay Ze has never raped her in recording the sound
The unknown Jay-Z defendant was arrested in an audio recording claiming that walking claims that the rapper had raped her as a minor.
Jin de filed a lawsuit through lawyer Tony Bouzbi in December, Jay Z and Dahidi in the 2000 MTV VMAS party claimed when she was thirteen years old, but she applied to withdraw the case in February.
In an audio recording by private investigators and obtained by ABC NewsShe admits that the alleged accident has never happened.
“He was only there, but he had nothing to do with any sexual acts towards you?” Special investigator request.
“Yes”, Jin de answered. When asked why the rapper accused the “state of the mental empire”, she said that Bouzbi “led her to sue him.
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Tony Bouzbi criticizes his client’s claim that he “pushed her” to sue the rapper
In the registration, the unknown woman stated that Buzbee was “the person who paid [her] Toward moving forward with him, with Jay Z. “
“Bouzbi did?” The investigators asked. “Yes,” the woman replied.
In a joint statement with the news outlet, Buzbee criticized Jin-Du’s allegations that he put it in the Jay-Z sustaining, describing it as a “blatant lie”.
“With regard to the proposal that I prompted to Jinn to bring a case against Jay Z – this is a blatant lie that directly contradicts all documentary evidence,” Bouzbi said.
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Tony Bouzbi claims that Jane de was “a hoax” and “exploration”
The situation appears to be invalid as Buzbee also handed his registration to the news outlet, where Jin -de faced these allegations. In this, she replies that she has not regained her accusations against Jay Z.
according to TMZHe criticized the audio recording, saying that Jin de was “frightening” and “harassment” by private investigators.
“The tape is fraud,” he said. “They were tormented and harassed, deceived that poor woman, and took what she said outside the context and recorded it secretly. She stands next to her claim that Jay Ze attacked her. She did not hesitate at all at that point once.”
Reports that private investigators began drilling in the case appeared after being withdrawn in February.
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One of the aforementioned investigators, Charlotte Henderson, presented a written certificate last week that she met Jin -Du on February 21, 2025, at the accused’s house in Alabama.
Henderson said that Jay Ze and his lawyer had hired her to do this task, but they did not mention who, if anyone was paying her.
Meanwhile, Alex Spiro’s lawyer, Alex Spereo, spoke with the news outlet, saying that the rapper hopes that this will finish the rise of wrong novels against him moving to Sue Buzbee and Jane Doe on charges of defamation.
“The truth was to get out completely. This person could not be allowed to hide from the fact that this was a false accusation.”
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Jay Ze filed a lawsuit against Tony Bouzbi, claiming the rape case that caused and Bionnes to obtain death threats
After Jin -Du applied to withdraw her case, Jay Ze submitted a suit against Bouzbi, in detail how the lawyer’s actions and his family affected him.
In his file, the rapper claimed that he and his wife received death threats because of the “malicious and important” lawsuit and that “general data about me and accusations against Bottebe have caused harm.”
“People said,” I cannot wait until you join prison. Then later in hell, “Jay Z claimed in his complaint.” I was accused of other comments of being “demonic”, “store”, “terrorist” and “monster”, the word n and the threat against me and my wife, including “killing” or “executed” for us.
These allegations were remarkably made against Jay Z in December, one day before “Mufasa”, which starred Beyoncé and Blue IVY, in London.
Jay Z in his complaints added that Buzbee “deliberately” filed the lawsuit on the day before the first show.
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Jay Ze Lawyer in Texas was accused of extortion
In addition to dealing with the damage to his reputation, Jay Z claimed that he lost $ 20 million in work contracts due to accusations, describing the ordeal as a calculated attack against him.
In the court documents obtained before TMZHe also claimed that Buzbee tried to blackmail huge sums of money on two different allegations, one of which was the case that included Jin de and another did not reach the court.
The other case concerned included an unknown mention of a claim that Jay Z sexually assaulted him at the Beverly Hills 2015 party when he was 16 years old and was secretly anesthetized by a person other than the hip -hop billion.
According to the news port, the rapper indicated that Buzbee’s messages for both customers demanded “some essence to” address the “situation”.
However, Jay-Z explained this as a lot of money to “buy their silence”, describing the messages “Blatant Blatant’s attempts”.
2025-03-12 17:00:00