Mendeecees Shares Sweet Birthday Toast For Yandy Smith’s 43rd

Yandi Smith She celebrated her 43rd birthday on Wednesday (March 19), and her man Mandisi Sweet shared words for this occasion. In addition to his message on social media, he gave a loving birthday toast.
Related: Yandi Smith goes virus after issuing a message to anyone who tries to “dismantle” her marriage and Mendeeeeses
What Mandisi said about Yandi Smith on her birthday
On Wednesday, Mendesis moved to Instagram to exchange his deep love with Yandi. He posted five audio photos and recent pictures, from an old personal photo to the birth of the hospital together. In addition, in an illustrative designation, it has opened about twenty years together and all that Smith means.
“Happy Birthday 🎉 Wow, 20 years of your knowledge and 10 years of marriage! We have created a wonderful life together. While our amazing children and facing the challenges of life, our association has only been strengthened,” Mandisis wrote. “You are my institution, my companion, the closest friend. I was a prize, the greatest of my accomplishments, and a person I aspire to be proud.
Meanwhile, in a birthday dinner video obtained by Live Bitez, MendeeEes gave elites about “everything”. He attributed it to being an inspiration, not only for black women but also for men. Their loved ones who attended the energy in the toast and chanted a kiss between the spouses.
“I just want to say, thank you for being a wonderful woman,” said Baha, smiling.
Every love of day B. follows this DM tea
The celebration follows a few weeks of drama, including the consistent in Yandi coming to her marriage and a mixture of those who sent a woman’s messages from a Mendese phone. In an episode of “Love & Hop Hop Atl” that was broadcast earlier this month, Jessica White spoke to Smith about the DMS exchange between her niece and MendeeEEESES. Yandi soon jumped and claimed that she was the one who sent the messages from her Instagram account.
Social media exploded with reactions, primarily disbelief in the development of wild events. It was not long before, the son of the couple added Lille Mendesi, to frenzy with his confession.
“I do not say that it is lying – I don’t think it is lying [but] I will be honest, I have sent that National Democratic Council. I was. I was. Their son said:
He claimed that he managed to reach his father’s account and sent the messages after seeing Jessica’s niece in the club. It is still unclear whether their son is dangerous or raises the chaos of the night. See what he said to yourself by scrolling below.
Related: Lille Mandisis raises madness after she talked about Yandi’s claim that she sent the messages of a woman from his father.
Social media interact with Christmas shout
After MindeEcees’s birthday screams for Room, the room’s colleagues flooded the comments section with reactions. While some Yandi Smith wished a happy birthday 43, others were weighed as they believed the relationship was standing. Some of the cracked jokes are on the basis of confusion of the social media message described above.
Amlamonsister joking, “Maybe Yandi wrote this &” made him practicing 😂😂 “
“He loves Yandi, but he does not like her,”, “ Piece_f_qv has been added. @1jazzychick apparently agreed, writing, “I think he loves her, but he is no longer in love.”
Meanwhile, Yunglooknessha said, “Be angry when you stay together and be in love, whatever happens.”
Lizzyboss_baby went deeper into her analysis. I wrote, “There is a great difference in a man who loves you and loves you. Men feel a sense of commitment to a woman holding her, and they were loyal, and she was a friend, and she was always consistent, but this is a big difference in a man with a woman she loves. The energy, the way he talks about her, and the way he looks greatly.”
Loveeenstephc referred to DM narration, writing, “Soooo, did Yandi wrote this Christmas screaming? Or is it just the right to access to DMS?”
@ntuunga.abantu thanks to the strength of the couple. Comment, “They remained Defo together with the best or worse.
Aimel_aye was not convinced by toast, writing, “He does not say that it does not mean that, but rather to give elites with shadows on shades that do not seem original. Look at me in my eyes when you put a toast for me … that’s all I say … but let me go to cut some grass and move away from rich popular works.”
“May God bless their marriage and a beautiful family,” CopyTherightcat added.
Thefamousher added, “Yandi has always been that girl, as he is never left regardless of what is happening.”
Talking about birthdays, Yandi is not the only one who celebrates this teacher this month. Tamar Brakston She brought her 48 earlier this week, and Babuz And his new girlfriend, Clarissa Shelds, Celebrate them a week. Shields drafted a lengthy paragraph in her favor, praising his laughter, , directives and love. Thank her for the sweet words and restored the same energy in favor of Claresa, the thirtieth, describing it “his hero” and “a great person”. PAP also launched the new Bae with Lil ‘Chanel and Louis Vuitton wrapped with paper.
Related: oop! Tamar Brakston interacts after Tony accused her of blocking the screaming of a birthday on social media (photos)
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2025-03-20 16:17:00