
Miniso achieves record revenue in fiscal 2024

The MINISO global retail company has achieved an increase in by 22.8 % in the fiscal year 2024 (FY24), as it reached 16.99 billion yuan ($ 2.32 billion) – a significant increase over the previous year 13.83 billion yuan.

The company has strengthened this growth to a 10.9 % increase in local sales within China, the main mainland and 41.9 % escalation in the international revenue flows of the miniso brand.

The expansion strategy in Miniso, which has a 21.8 % increase in the average number of stores, which was decorated with the growth of similar store sales in medium numbers in foreign markets, was a fundamental role in leading this success.

International sales now constitute 41.7 % of the total brand revenue in Miniso, an increase of 35.9 % in the previous year.

Top Toy, another brand under the Miniso umbrella, has seen 44.7 % to 983.5 million yuan.

The company’s total profit margins for Minneso increased to the highest level of 44.9 %, an increase of 3.7 percentage points, and reached a peak in a total profit of 7.63 billion yuan for the fiscal year 24, which represents an increase of 34.0 % over 5.69 billion yuan in the 23rd year.

Miniso is recorded by 3.31 billion yuan operating profits, an increase of 17.6 % year on the basis of the previous fiscal year.

However, the net financing income witnessed a decrease, as it decreased to 25.75 million yuan from 161 million yuan in the previous year.

The profits of the period ending on December 31, 2024 amounted to 2.63 billion yuan, and climbing 15.9 % compared to the profits of the previous year.

Miniso concluded the fiscal year with a total of 7,780 stores across its group level, a clear addition of 1,219 stores for the full year.

Looking at the fiscal year 2025, Miniso remains optimistic about the growth path in the favorable conditions and the continuous implementation of strategic initiatives.

“We will give priority to the growth of store sales themselves and improve sales per square meter through more store planning for store improvement, the formation of the squad, etc., and at the same time, we aim to improve store economies through various measures including depleted spending.

In September 2024, Miniso signed the share purchases agreements with Chinese SUPERSTORES.

“Miniso achieves record revenues in the fiscal year 2024” was originally created and published by Network Insight Network, a brand owned by Globaldata.

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2025-03-24 09:27:00

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