
NASA Crew-10 Is on Way to ISS to Relieve ‘Stranded’ Astronauts

NASA’s Sonya Space Pioneers, Sony, Williams and Barry “Bouch”, Wilmor was at the International Space Station for more than eight months, although they were initially expected to stay for only eight days. It is time to go home and replace it on the way.

The ISS relief crew was launched on Friday, two days after the delay, the first due to a problem with the hydraulic system with the arm of the ground support clamp in the Spacex Falcon 9, and the second due to the weather. But Friday, at 7:03 pm Each time, the 10 crew consists of NASA Ann McLean and Nicole Aires, and the curious Japanese space exploration agency, Takoya Unishi and Rossksermos, which was launched by Kils Peskov, on their trip to ISS.

Read more:

NASA 10 astronauts launch into ISS on a Spacex missile

Once they arrive, there will be a delivery period for two days, then Williams, Wilwmore and NASA’s Nick Louty and Rossusmosa spacecraft will be in Alexander Gorbonov on the way to return to Earth. They can be on the return trip early March 19.

On March 7, Williams handed the leadership of ISS to the Roscosmos Cosmanut Alexey Ovchinin as it is ready to return home.

“We are not stuck.”

Williams recently told Williams that they did not feel abandoned by NASA.

“It is clear that there is a lot of discussion on this topic, so people may be able to imagine that this is the way we are, but we are not stuck,” she said. “We are part of a larger process, right?”

When asked about the practical aspects of being suddenly in space for a long time than expected, without the additional supplies, Willmour said it was not a problem.

“We started with fewer clothes, if you will, it was intended,” he said. “We have put forward some of the additional equipment you need – the necessary space station. We put it with us. So we took off some of our clothes. We would have been here a week or so.

“But we did that. It was not big, frankly. The satellite station program for multiple emergency situations is planning. We store for four months exceeding what is expected, at least. Some times, longer than that, food and other amenities, wet mops, and everything you need here.”

Wimor told PBS that he could speak to his family from space, noting that he not only speaking with his two daughters but to his young daughter’s friend.

“As a father of girls, this is my responsibilities,” he said.

Read more: The first interactive stream in NASA shows the amount of astronauts. Coffee


Because their stay was extended, Williams set a record. I went on a 5 -hour and 26 -minute space road with Wilmor, yet walking, she exceeded the record by a woman to spend time on space. According to, Williams now has 62 hours and 6 minutes of the space track, bypassing the former astronaut PEGY Whitson, who had 60 hours and 21 minutes.

In this latter space, the two worked to remove the finally defective radio communication unit, which is an irreplaceable unit.

NASA said Williams had previously cooperated with astronaut Nick The Hague in favor of a spacecraft on January 16. In this space, Williams and Hayu replaced the circle that helps maintain the direction of the tropical focus, NASA said. Space pioneers also installed corrections to cover the damaged areas of lighting filters on the X -ray telescope of the internal composition of the neutron composition, and replaced a reflector device on one of the international arson transformers, arrival spaces that have been examined and the Mosul tools that astronauts will use in the maintenance of magnetic spectra in the future.

Space pioneer, Syrian Williams, is seen outside the International Space Station.

NASA Sony Williams astronaut was seen outside the International Space Station during January 16, 2025, a space.


Who are the astronauts?

Wilmur, 61, Williams, 58, are veteran astronauts, sea officers and former test pilots. Williams has been an astronaut in NASA since 1998, and Wilmmore since 2000. Both of them have a lot of experience in space.

Williams is the former record holder of most space monuments by a woman (seven) and more space time by a woman (50 hours, 40 minutes), and in 2007, the first marathon ran by anyone in space.

In 2009, Willmore tried the Atlantis space shuttle on his mission to ISS, and in 2014, he was part of the ISS crew who used a 3D printer to manufacture the Ratecht-Steve tool in space, the first time humans manufactured something outside the world.

What is their original mission in space?

William, as a leader, and Williams, as a pilot, traveled to the International Space Station on a 15 -foot capsule, called Starliner. They were launched on June 5 and anchor with the International Space Station on June 6. NASA hopes that Starlener will give the organization a new way to get the crews to and from the International Space Station, and the fact that Boeing is making another sign that NASA has started to rely on the private sector for human space options, the New York Times reported.

The Wilmore and Williams ISS mission was supposed to continue in just eight days, as they tested Starliner aspects and learn how to work with a human crew in space. But due to complications with Starliner, astronauts are still there.

Wary "Poach" Wilmor and Sonita "Sony" Williams are offered to respond to media questions in March 2024.

Willmore and Williams respond to media questions in March last year.

Houston Cronic

How did you stumble in space in the first place?

Starliner was delayed in May due to a problem with a missile valve. Then engineers had to repair helium leakage. This is all bad news for Boeing. He is competing with Spacex, who has been transporting astronauts to ISS since 2020, making more than 20 successful flights to the space station.

On June 5, Starliner finally fired over the ATLAS V missile, but some problems came with launch. NASA announced that three Helium leaks have been identified, one of which is known before the trip, and two new two. In addition to the leaks, the crew was forced to explore and repair errors to control, although the craft was successfully able to lay with ISS.

Spacex also failed. The New York Times reported that the Falcon 9 missile exploded on the Launchpad platform in 2016. In July this year, the Falcon 9 missile witnessed liquid oxygen leaks and spread its satellites in the wrong orbit. In addition, the Falcon 9 missed in late August, the first stage strengthening when it was overthrown in the Atlantic Ocean and burned in it.

However, Spacex has more than 300 successful trips from Falcon 9 to its balance.

Space stuck: a timetable

  • May: Starliner’s launch was delayed due to a problem with a valve in the missile, then helium leakage.
  • June 5: Starliner’s launch with Williams and Wilmore on board.
  • June 6: Starliner accumulate with ISS despite dealing with three helium leaks and failed control.
  • September 6: Starliner ISS and lands in New Mexico leave, leaving Williams and Wilmmore behind.
  • September 28: Mission Sacex Crew-9 was launched with Hague and Gorbunov on a Dragon spacecraft.
  • September 29: Dragon Dragon Dragon with ISS.
  • December 17: NASA announced the launch of four crew members to ISS from February to late March.
  • March 12: NASA’s astronaut, NASA’s astronaut, Anne McLean and Nicole Aires, and the space exploration agency in Japan, were postponed, a day later, again the next day.
  • March 14: Crew-10 was launched on their 28-hour trip to the International Space Station. Once they arrive, there will be a delivery period for two days. Establishment should be at 11:30 pm Each time on March 15th.
  • March 19: It is expected that the spacecraft in Spacex Dragon ISS will leave and return to Earth with Williams, Wilmmore, Hag and Jourbonov.

2025-03-16 05:11:00

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