New generative AI tools open the doors of music creation

This work has become possible through the basic efforts of research and engineering from Andrea Agustnelli, Zallan Borus, George Broser, Antoine Kyleon, Citelina Kangia, Noah Kunst, Michael Chang, Chris Dianner, Timo Dink, Chris Dono, Mikli International, Jessie Engel, Christian Frank, Peter Gaviller, Tobenna. KASTELIC, Kazuya Kawakami, Pen Li, Ethan Manilow, YOTAM Mann, Colin Mcardell, Brian Mcwilliams, Adam Roberts, Matt Sharifi, Ian Simon, Ondrej Skopek, Marco Tagliaschi, Cassie Tarakajian, Aldor, Victor Ungureanu, MAURO, Wang, Burin Winkener, Yan Woo, and Mauricio Zuluhaga.

MusicFX DJ was developed by Antoine Kaylon, Noah Konstant, Jesse Angel, Alberto Lalaa, Hema Manichagam, Adam Roberts, Ian Simon, and Cassie Tarakagian in cooperation with our Google Labs partners, including Obed Appiahman. Lao Ki, Elias Roman, Noah Simos, Trond and Willner, Christine Yim, and Jimmy Zeskovsky. We offer our deeper thanks to Jacob Coller, Ben Bloomberg, Fran Hencourt for their valuable notes throughout the development process.

Sandbox was developed by Ai Music by Andrea Agostinelli, George Broora, Ross Kirins (XWF), Michael Chang, Yeawon Choi, Christ Dener, Jesse Engil, Reed Engir, Beat GFELER, Tom Hume, Tom Jenkins, Max Edelmann (xwf), Drew Jagle Manikavasagam, Ethan Manilow, YOTAM Mann, Colin Mcardell, Christ Retdon, Felix Riedel, Adam Roberts, Arthi Sethumadhavan, Eleni Shaw, Sage Stevens, Amy Stuart, Luyu Wang, Pawel Wluka, and Yan Wu in cooperation with Partners YouTube and Tech.

The Dream’s path was developed by Andrea Agostinelli, Zalán Borsos, Geoffrey Cideron, Timo DENK, Michael Dooley, Christian Frank, Sertan Girgin, Myriam Hame Torres, Matej Kastelic, Pen Li, Brian Mcwilliams, Matt Sharifi, Ondrej Skopek, and Marco. Zuluaga, in cooperation with our partners in YouTube.

Special thanks to Aäron Van Den OORD, Tom Hume, Douglas Euck, El Collins, Mira Lane, Koray Kavukcuoglu and Demis Hassabis for their guidance and support during the search process. Thanks to Maahyar Bordbar and Dy Kim to help coordinate these efforts, as well as the ARTIST YouTube partnership team to support them partnership with the music industry.

We also acknowledge many other individuals who contributed through Google DeepMind and Alphabet, including our YouTube partners.

2024-10-23 16:53:00

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