Novocaine Is More Proof That Horror Filmmakers Make Great, Brutal Action Movies

Ask anyone a trick, and they will tell you: the ability to sell no less important punch, and perhaps more than that, more than one throw. Ask any editor or sound designer, and they will support this and then some. If you have seen the Delies Raw from a movement movie, you will notice how much there is a lot of fighting when they were stolen from their rhythm and the satisfactory sound of Thwam to strike their bodies. All this means that the procedure in the cinema is incredibly dependent on selling the total effect of violence, even more than the exciting work and effects of strength and ingenuity. Since everything is at timing, it is no wonder that many great work managers either come or are adept at comedy- from Buster Keaton to Jackie Chan.
However, there are many great film makers who come from the world of terror as well. Of course there is some overlap with comedy, and certainly in terms of working on the perfect timing of the fear or sequence of killing. However, there is also a quality that people are terrifying on pure comedy or pure people, which is that their killings tend to have a much more impact and brutality than most of them. Horror managers know that this is not just screaming here and a slide there that makes the violence that remains in the mind. It is psychological as it is visceral, which means that they need to involve the audience’s imagination while providing blood commodities.
As evidence of this, do not look further than the new version this weekend, “Novocaine”, an action movie that wanders in many other types including ROM-Com, Film Noir and Yes, Comedy. Although “Novokin” cannot be precisely described as a horror movie, the movement sequences, however, have a lot of edge. This is partially due to the hypothesis – the hero of the movie, Nathan Kane (Jack Kowid), suffers from a condition that prevents him from feeling pain, which means that he can take more than most ordinary people. However, this is also due to the fact that directors Dan Burke and Robert Olsen came from a background of terror themselves, and although “Novocaine” is their first movie, they have already got a lot of training they need to take action of terror.
The amazing history of horror DNA in the work cinema
While horror comedy is a hybrid type of the type that most people realize has a long and varied history, it seems that hybrid work is horror is one less discussed. This does not mean that it is less widespread; Away from that, as movies such as “Predator”, “Blade,” Overlord “and” The Gorge “for this year, and to a large extent the fully output of passengers during the first decade of the twentieth and 2010 century (which includes” Resident Evil “and” UnderWorld “privileges).
In most of these films, the focus is more firmly on this event more than horror – except for a handful of scenes, no one expects to scare these fans as much as excitement. However, horror elements add additional fees to this work, which increased the risks by including threats such as vampires, zombies and other monsters instead of just humans. Even when a movie is more than imagination or science fiction more than horror-such as “The Lord of the Rings”, “upgrade”, or “65”-you can bet that one of the directors of terror is behind it. In these examples alone, you have the likes of Peter Jackson (“” “” “” “” “” “” “” “Hermearik”), and all the old warriors in this kind.
In addition to implanting and mixing motion films with horror ponds and techniques, sometimes, every horror director should give parts of Action Movie and kill a little additional gravity in order to create a greater effect. SAM RAIMI fans constantly refer to the scene from “Spider-Man 2” where Dr. Auto Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina) is converted to Doc Ock and attacks his newly smart robot staff employees in a real “evil” style. John Carptter “Escape from New York” gave a strange feeling of reality thanks to his mastery of timing and tone. James Wan took the lessons he learned on the “saw” and “dead silence” to lend to the “brutal death penalty” that he needs, then continued “indicated” and “The Conjuring” with “Furious 7”, allowing that the last last last movie seems to be somewhat unreasonable.
Rene Harlene, one of the best examples of a horror director brings some additional sauce to his kinetic films, who started his career with horror films “Prison” and “Kabous on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master”. As such, his subsequent efforts, “DIE Hard 2”, “Cliffhanger” and “The Long Kiss Goodnight”, are all characterized by killing that will not be outside the place in an oblique movie, however, the action movie is just a little spice.
How to use Novocaine with horror -likeness without destroying the tone of the movie
Early of “Novocaine”, when Nathan describes his condition for Sherry (amber Midithone), a co -worker who loves him, she shouted enthusiastically that this makes him a kind of super hero – a note denied by Nathan. It turns out that they are fine: While Nathan’s ability helps him to gain courage to chase after Sherry to kidnap her and fight some bad men, this does not mean that he is invincible. Just because he does not feel pain, it does not mean that his injuries do not affect him in other ways. Thanks to this increased and reality mixture on the basis that Burke and Olsen can escape some of the truly caused by the movie and still feel dangerous, while not leaving the movie violence has become very realistic so that it does not disturb.
Thus, “Novokin” features a stomach of moments that emphasize pain and physical harm, only that Nathan interacts indifferently with all of this. Nathan tests everything from stabbing and shooting to his hand fried with oil, and Burke & Olsen plays the audience, such as violin by displaying the contrast between what is happening to two females physically while not leaving him emotionally. In the end, Nathan learns to use this separation in his favor, first by closing his fist in broken glass to create temporary copper joints, then torture torture that would break most ordinary people but barely rest. By the time one of his prominent bones is used to excite an enemy, he is almost supernatural in his creative brutality.
However, it is necessary for Nathan to remain more than every man more than a super hero or a monster, so Burke & Olsen smartly emphasizes the emotional separation comedy more than the horror of harm. This makes “Novokin” a little from the ambitious body horror movie, which is already rare. At each turn, it is clear that Berk & Olsen uses their knowledge of terror (which stems from their previous films such as “Al -Ajari” and “Other Personalities”) to enhance the procedure, which is something that every work manager should aspire to do, regardless of their background. Wonderful work is similar to being in a successful music collection: you can not only play visits, you will not sell them either.
2025-03-14 18:00:00