Patrick Stewart Gave Star Trek’s Best Writer X-Rated Advice For Picard

Written by Chris Senelgov Published
Ronald Moore was one of the largest architects in the Golden Age at Star Trek. Next generation In its third season and helped form the concession for a decade. These days, it is known as The Showrunner BATLESTAR GALACTICA The restart chain, but when he brought him his text on “Al -Tarqa” to TNG, was just a young and experienced writer. When the group visited during the shooting, Patrick Stewart gave some horrific tips to Ronald Moore: This Captain Picard needs to get more battles and continue in future texts often.
Patrick Stewart and Ronald Moore
Of course, part of what makes Patrick Stewart’s advice to Ronald Moore very funny is that fans tend to think about the older man as generous, formal … Basically, Picard’s embodiment of himself, all the way to his official way of speaking. However, Moore discovered an informal extent that the science fiction icon when he heard the advice of Stewart seeded by X for future texts: “Just remember one thing … the captain does not do enough tension or shoot in this series.”
To make things more entertaining, this was the first time that Patrick Stewart and Ronald Moore met. The young writer recalled that the actor is “very generous and friendly when he learned that I wrote [“The Bonding”]“Stewart wanted to find out if Moore was writing another episode. When Moore began describing his next text (“ Prosecutor ”), Stuart seemed to be interested in the plot, but he soon reminded the writer that Picard needed to get more battles.
Then Patrick Stewart turned and moved away from Ronald Moore after dropping this entertaining advice, and we would like to believe that he was fully aware of how these words are shocked by Captain Picard’s mouth. However, despite the best efforts of the actor, the young writer who was talking to him was not shocked. And he mentioned the story, Moore reached the conclusion that many fans will agree with her: “Now, this is the leader of the institution, if you ask me.”
Now, we know what you ask: Did Patrick Stewart got his desire, and is Ronald Moore sure that Picard got more movement scenes, inside and outside the bedroom? Surprisingly, yes: Moore wrote “TAPESTRY”, the famous flashback episode to the days of the Starcard Academy from Picard. Although this is not the most attractive episode in the history of Trek, we see the future team captain with many women and (thanks to realistic Q) finally seal the deal with Marta, a former classmate who has always been housing secret feelings.
Patrick Stewart has received many scenes of the additional movement on the screen for Pelycard thanks to Ronald Moore: The writer formulated both “maneuvering” (where Picard was forced to overcome a ruthless group of mercenaries) and the “Driving Series” (where Picard escaped prolonged torture after he was arrested on the seventy group mission). Moore also wrote most of the TNG’s Klingon episodes (which proved that the captain was not scary from the threats of Woreores in half its years and its weak strength) and participated in writing “all good things” (the conclusion of the series that Picard must jump the time to save the entire universe).
At first glance, Patrick Stewart’s advice appears to Ronald Moore a little Mardna, and some fans believe that she laid the foundation for the “Action Star” version of Picard that we see in TNG movies. However, while looking at the list of More More Temporary Programs that absorbed the actor’s request, we can only note that these are some of the best episodes in the entire series. Perhaps Stewart knew something about his personality early that none of us would guess: Picard is at his best when he gets the direction of the interior James T Kirk.
2025-03-12 16:00:00