First Alert’s new smart smoke alarm is a Nest Protect replacement

The Safety Manufacturer in Life has for the first time launched a new line of smoke and first carbon monoxide this week, which will work with Google Home. After Google’s decision to stop Nest Protect Smart Smoke Alarm, the company announced its partnership with the first alert at the first Smart Smoke & Carbon Obonoxide (Co) alert.
The new warnings will work with the first Alert and Google Home apps but not with any other smart home platforms. It will also be compatible with the warnings in Nest Protect.
Ryan Park, the chief product manager in Resideo, who has the first alert. freedom It is interconnected on the NST weaving protocol (which uses the interconnection index) to look all the compatible warnings when one is run. The notification system can also include any alert warnings that are not connected to censorship that you may have installed.
The first new Smart Smoke & Co alerts will cost $ 129.99 and will be available in strong options or batteries later this year in the United States and Canada. It is now available for Preormer on FirstARTARTART.COM.
Nest Protect alerts for 10 years from the date of manufacturing. They were first launched in 2013, when many home owners (including me) will need to be replaced soon. Park says it has been designed to replace easy devices so that the nest users “replace their devices smoothly.”
The new first alert warnings contain many of the same features on the Nest Protect. These include automatic safety tests, “early warning” sends sound and application alerts before running the alarm, alerts when the alarm is turned on, the ability to silence warnings from both the first alert applications and Google Home.
Like Protect, the squad features a 10 -year closed battery (requirement in many cases) and a sequential option with replaceable backup batteries. The app will send you low battery warnings, so you should not get low battery snow.
Contrary to protection, the first alert warnings will not work as a sensor for Google Home & Away or the Protect’s Nightlight. While they resemble the protection of the nest, they unfortunately do not have the same elegant design. However, Google says it can lead to live feeding from the livestock cameras in the Home app when the alarm looks.
The new warnings use the precise detection of the first Alert – an advanced sensor technology that combines ionization and photovoltaic sensing. They work via Wi-Fi to connect to Google Home and First Alert Apps. The current nest will soon appear in the Google Home app.
The new Google Credit Warning Warning comes in the wake of the Kiddde’s rival to warn the smart smoke that works with the Ring in CES this year. Kiddle Smart Smoke with Ring ($ 54.97) and Kidd Smake Smoke and Co Alarm with Ring ($ 74.97) of solid warnings with battery backup and will be launched in April in the home warehouse. These are connected exclusively to the Wi-Fi loop application.
First Alert has an online and CO alarm line with a Wi-Fi connection. However, she intervened her models that worked with Apple Home, Amazon Alexa and Google Home a while ago.
Park says that the current OneLink production line will be stopped over time in favor of new models. The company also manufactures the Z-WAVE and CO alarm that works with Ring Alarm and other platforms, which will continue to be sold.

It is great to see more smart smoke warning options; It is a space that has not already witnessed an applicable competitor for The Nest Protect in the United States market. However, this royal approach is frustrating, especially since the material is here, which is designed to facilitate the integration of manufacturers with multiple smart home platforms.
Smoke warning devices are part of the material specifications, but none of the recently announced models with the new Smart Home standard. Resideo, the owner of the first Alert, is part of the coalition of communication standards that oversees the article. The company recently released a smart thermostat that works with the material. I asked if there was a plan to make the new smoke warning compatible.