
Roomba's iRobot 205 robovac can go eight weeks without being emptied

IROBOT has just announced some new voids in Roomba, which feature interesting capabilities. Roomba 205 DustCCCCOSTOCTOR Combo Robot is announced "The first system of mechanical debris on the industry." In other words, it presses dust and debris together, well, compressor of garbage.

This allows users to go to eight weeks without having to empty the void. It also eliminates the need for the dedicated debris box.

Technology at work.

Otherwise, 205 is a full hybrid vacuum/MP. There is a 4 -stage vacuum system with Clearview Lidar to improve navigation. The company says this unit offers "250 percent of energy lifting and cleaning performance improved" Compared to Sorkba 600 robots.

Roomba Plus 405 Combo Robot + Autowash Dock is another hybrid, but this one pays special attention to disinfection capabilities. It includes the new MOP dual platforms of the company that takes place at 200 rpm for some additional gravity. It also comes with the roomba, which is washing and washing the MP platforms on its own. This technique was first used in.

Some wiped platforms.

The company also announced the Dock 505 Combo Robot + Autowash, which is the best in the edges of the cleaning. To coincide with these new products, the Roomba Home app that affects the need. It should be allowed to be redesigned "More intuitive control, the ability to create procedures and timetables, access to the actual time of their device and advanced dedicated cleaning options."

Roomba 205 DustCCCCOSTOR Combo Robot starts from $ 469 and cost Roomba Plus 405 Combo Robot + Autowash Dock $ 800. 505 cost $ 1,000. It is running live on March 18 via IROBOT or the choice of retailers. The company also announced a new vacuum for beginners called Roomba 105, which costs $ 319.

This article was originally appeared on Engadget on –

2025-03-11 21:00:00

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