The 1989 Batman Lives on (Again) in Another New Book

Last year celebrated the 35 -year anniversary of Tim Burton 1989 Batman A movie, which has received a new follow -up in a sequel novel Resurrection. It turns out that this is not the end of ’89-89, or anything we call, because there is another narration on the horizon that tells another story about the Crusaders from Michael Keaton.
it will be Batman: Revolution, Form Resurrection Author John Jackson Miller. It is the summer, Joker dealt with goodness, and there is a festival on July 4 aimed at celebrating this occasion. Unfortunately, this is the perfect time to hit Norman Pinkos. As “the smartest smarter in Gotham,” Norman is a boy of the city paper and runs the famous puzzles of his puzzles, and he uses his masculinity to solve crimes in secret before Batman can. After he went a long time without the right recognition, Norman, along with some of the mysterious new allies, takes a Batman trap in a puzzle game to determine who is the true hero of Gotham.
Yes, Norman is Batman ’89 A copy of Reddler. Once again in the 1990s, Robin Williams was holding players to play in what would be Batman Forever, But leaving the project, which allowed Jim Carey to live in the role. revolution It is expected to be extracted from plans for the three potential Berton, as it is very similar Batman ’89 Caricature, Miller offers a look at what Burton could have made movies.
In a statement of Comicbook, Miller disturbed that the book would appear as part of Gotham “with the same activity – and even more violent, with high tensions with temperatures.” It also disturbed the communications with the comedy and its own completion, Batman ’89: Echoes.
Batman: Revolution Editions on printing, digital and sound on October 28.
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2025-03-08 21:00:00