The Download: HIV prevention shots, and fixing a broken sex doll

– An unknown US agency worker says they did not like the Datbot Doge, who was created in an attempt to automate the work of the former Federal employees, according to wired reports.
The big story
Inside the pursuit of the universe with mysterious fiery shorts of radio energy
May 2024
When our world was less than the ancient half as it is today, there is an explosion of energy that can be cooking from popcorn from the sun from somewhere in a group of compact galaxies. After about 8 billion years, the radio waves from this explosion arrived to Earth and were captured by an advanced low -frequency radio telescope in Australian remote areas.
The sign, which arrived in June 2022, and lasted for less than half a millimeter, is one of the increasing category of mysterious radio signals called Fast Radio Busts. In the past ten years, astronomers have taken nearly 5,000 of them. This was a particularly special one: nearly twice the life of anything that was previously noticed, and three and a half times more vibrant.
Nobody knows what causes fast radio bursts. You look in a random style that appears to be unpredictable from all parts of the sky. But despite mystery, these radio waves began to be unusually beneficial. Read the full story.
–Nna kramer
We can still get nice things
A place for rest, fun and distraction to shine your day. (Do you have any ideas? Get me a line or Sky at my face))
+ Why Hollywood is obsessed with twins now?
+ Have you grabbed Eclipse Blood Moon Lunar this morning? Don’t worry if you don’t do it – these pictures are very amazing.
+ Happy PI Day to all who celebrate!
2025-03-14 13:10:00