What Is the Grapefruit Diet and Does It Work for Weight Loss?

Like clothes and hairstyle , meals come and go, just to return in a little new differences after years. Perhaps one of the most well -known meals that somehow continues to return to the main current is the grapefruit system.
You may have seen your mother or grandmother a religious eating grapefruit with one of these small spoons before each meal in an attempt to lose weight. Or maybe you have a friend drinking a cup of grapefruit juice every morning.
Despite the fact that science has not proven that the grapefruit diet is effective, people continue to rely on these sour citrus fruits slightly as a tactic for weight loss.
What is grapefruit diet?
The grapefruit diet has been present in one way or another since the thirties of the twentieth century and simply supported half of the grapefruit before each meal. Other differences of the grapefruit diet will lead to drinking grapefruit juice instead of (or in addition to) eating the same fruit. Then you require the most restricted differences to do so and Adhere to 800 calories per day, while most carbohydrates are stirred.
Why grapefruit? Supporters believe that its enzymes can help you burn fat and help you in a magically weight loss. Some people (on trusted internet always) claim that it can help you lose 10 pounds in less than two weeks.
What do you eat on the grapefruit system?
You can eat anything largely on the grapefruit diet, as long as you eat half of the grapefruit in advance. As meals go, whether it works or not, this system is very simple to continue!
However, if you adhere to the low -carb version of this diet, you need to eat grapefruit and Cut the carbohydrates such as:
- sugar
- rice
- Pasta
- potato
- bread
But again, there are no super specific guidelines when it comes to this part of the diet.
Can the grapefruit diet help you lose weight?
So far, researchers have not found any concrete evidence that the grapefruit system can help you get rid of pounds; Most of the results were linked.
In a study of Louisiana State University researchers, adults were given either a new half of the new grapefruit, or eight ounces of grapefruit juice, grapefruit capsules, or imaginary medicine. The groups that consumed half of the grapefruit or drank eight ounces of grapefruit juice before losing each meal about 3.5 pounds in 12 weeks. The capsule group lost only 2.4 pounds, and did not see the imaginary medicine group almost any change.
Although the grapefruit groups witnessed some promising results, the researchers eventually concluded that “this weight loss mechanism is unknown.”
Another study conducted by British researchers compared the consumption of grapefruit, grapefruit juice or water before meals for 12 weeks. All the three -meal options participating in the study helped to lose weight without statistically significant differences between the three, which means that citrus fruits were equally with water.
Confirming these results, a study from the magazine The independence He concluded that eating half of the grapefruit before each meal for three weeks did not lead to a significant weight loss compared to imaginary therapy.
Other other studies that have been found direct The relationship between eating grapefruit juice or extract and weight loss was in mice. Unfortunately (in this very specific condition), humans are not rodents.
Why do people think that grapefruit helps in weight loss?
Dennis Fei says: “Grape is great, and fill.
In fact, you can replace grapefruit with other foods and see similar results. “It is similar to eating salad or vegetable soup before your meal,” says Kerry Gans, Nutrition Adviser, Roden, author of the book “Small Change Diet”. All that can fill you before the main path.
“But I do not buy that there are special materials in grapefruit [to help you burn fat]Fei says.
Disadvantages of grapefruit diet
“I believe in diversity and not eating the same things over and over again,” says Fay. “The front loading with healthy low -calorie food until you eat less He is Weight loss strategy, but you still have to make smart choices yet. If you eat grapefruit and then go to fast food, you will not miraculously lose weight. “
People who take statin or blood pressure medications such as calcium channels should also avoid grapefruit system, because these medications can have negative reactions with grapefruit.
The health benefits of grapefruit
Loss of weight aside, there are already some health benefits for grapefruit. Half of the medium grapefruit is mostly water and contains 37 calories and 1.4 grams of fiber. It also provides 45 mg of vitamin C (half the recommended daily value for men and 60 percent for women), which helps to support the healthy immune system.
Ready -made meals
Although grapefruit has a place as part of a balanced diet, do not think that by eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice, you will burn fat in the abdomen. To effectively lose weight and maintain it, you need to adhere to the trial and real form of exercise regularly and eat a good diet-including grapefruit, or not.
2025-03-21 18:38:00