Why Sylvester Stallone Regrets A Cult Classic Action Thriller

A decade is rarely closely related to the type of movie in pop culture, such as the eighties of the last century of ridiculous movement films. Certainly, the Selveter Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger and others from their tape are well mixed in the 1990s, but the eighties of the last century are the place where the big, fat, fat hero, and smell of a machine gun became an essential element in the cinema. Of course, as with any kind, there were better and worse attempts to strike this special brand of the action movie. It gave titles such as “The Terminator” and “First Blood” credibility to their muscular stars, and avoiding the camp and absurdity of highly concept science fiction drama and intense political drama, respectively. After that, there were technically less developed films-features such as “Cumbra” from Schwarzenegger and “Cobra” Stallone, which appeared in 1985 and 1986.
In particular, Cobra has become a classic thing, in a large part of it because of the Cartoic novel. In the film, Stallone plays the role of First Lieutenant Marion “Cobra” Bridge, a member of the Los Angeles Police Department, who wears pilots, chewing matches, pays Mercury eighth in 1950, and cuts the remaining pizza with scissors. The film is more “dirty Harry” than “Rambo”, and according to Stallone, it is a movie that is not seen very much.
For me, Stallone admitted to me, “” I could have done better, but I was not focusing enough. “
He was a cobra in his day
Stallone was not a star in “Cobra”; The script was written, as he did when he broke out to the Hollywood scene with “Rocky”. Before Eddi Murphy was in “Beverly Hills Cope”, the studio was in discussions with Stallone for the part, but he ended up reformulating the text program significantly to make it less than comedy and more than the excitement movie. This version of the movie was rejected, but Stallone continued to adjust its hypothesis until it finished the scenario scenario that became “Cobra”.
It is clear that the film has its creative fingerprints everywhere, it seems that Stallone believes it will be more successful if it was more involved in its manufacture, which directs the vision than its page to the screen. “I felt as if this was something I should have directed, and I did not, and I regret it,” I explained during the appearance of the aforementioned TIFF. “This is one thing in making movies, regardless of watching your hairs, going,” God, why didn’t I try hard? “
“Cobra” was presented by critics and received six nominations for the Razzie Award in 1987, including the worst image and worst gesture of Stallone. Today, it is definitely not considered one of the best Stallone films, but it also managed to circumvent the pop culture for one reason or another. The fans of this type still appreciate his futility, and directors were martyred by Nicholas Winding Reefen and Ryan Gosling star as an inspiration to excite the movie “Drive”, which won great approval for the year 2011.
Does it seem that Cobra is really bad like Stallone and it seems that many others think?
It seems that the continuous popularity of the “cobra” in some circles indicates that there is an advantage that goes beyond what critics and Stallone think in the movie. But is this true? Or you have a handful of permanent aesthetics, some of which are absolts who only kept the movie in the blessing of good fans? Like Zins like “You are a disease, and I am treatment,” or “this is where the law stops and begins” fun in a mockery, although it is practically immersed from “Dirty Harry”. Is this enough to save this resort, which I can still read to you barely after a multiple re -view?
It can be said that the camp worker in “Cobra” is what he kept somewhat in culture after decades. In 2019, it was announced that Robert Rodriguez was working on a “Coba” TV program, although this project had calmed down. Rodriguez seems to be a realistic style in GrindHouse, Styles B-Movie seems suitable for “Cobra”, as the paradox has always been a large part of the reason for people who loved the original movie a lot.
What is difficult to face today is the movie brand in the 1980s, starring the police brutality. Like many of its contemporaries in this type of COP, “Cobra” is characterized by a kind of evil, evil evil who loses any aspects of criminals in the real world. This brutal figure, which was not specified in the same movie, is used as a cobra justification to rid his brand of unrestricted violence in response to the response, and shoot at this process. This means, if there is a loud problem with “Cobra”, this is a problem with this type in Lare. However, the absolute absurdity of the film may be the reason why other previous attempts that increase this in making the same type of film have faded.
2025-03-11 10:00:00